Yes....Phil should be allowed his right to give an interview to GQ and to answer their questions honestly (Free Speech) in regards to his personal beliefs, etc.;
The Senate has voted for a bill that allows any homosexual who gets fired to sue for “discrimination.” Many politicians are still campaigning for a regime that grants these and other special privileges to homosexuals—privileges that are not only NOT granted to OTHERS (including Christians) but are designed to be used against Christians.
AND Yes.....GQ had a 1st Amend. right to publish the interview;
AND Yes.....A&E had a right to fire Phil Robertson (assuming there were no contractual violations to what was apparently a voluntary agreement.
AND DUCK DYNASTY VIEWERS have their right to find something better to do with their time!!
The right to fire a person for violating pro-homosexual speech codes (often grouped under the now common term of "HATE CRIMES") is NOT matched by the freedom on the other side.
The complete topic of GENDER RIGHTS ....covers two main areas.
1. Sexual Preferences and 2. Marriage vs Civil Unions
I begin my discussion of these areas with a few excerpts from Kerry Bowers website discussion on the issue to which I agree wholeheartedly and include them here:
Mr. Bowers states:
"As a Christian, I believe that a child, every child, is a gift of God. Sometimes the acts that create a child are not of God’s will and yet, the child is a work of God made possible through the creation God has designed by which children are conceived, gestate in the womb of a woman, and then born into a sinful world. What I struggle with in my human reasoning is why children are born different from my expectations for creations of God.
They are born of different sizes, shapes and colors. They can have varying numbers and symmetries of limbs and digits and, in the worst case, be so malformed that they cannot survive outside the womb. They can be highly intellectual and, in other cases, be born with challenging mental capacities."
"They may be outwardly male, female, or have the organs of both sexes on, or inside, one body. They may be of heterosexual persuasion and, yes, homosexual to the extent defined by man based on the presence of the most obvious physical characteristics, typically, a particular sex organ. If I can believe all the many accepted variations of humans are the works of God, then why should I consider it any less probable that God also created what man has termed homosexual based on a sex organ and not the entirety of a man or woman’s physiology and psychology. Do not get me wrong, as it is not my intent to imply that homosexuality is a human deformity, but instead another of the many varieties of human beings God brings into His world for His reasons and to which He has told us to love one another and lean not on our own understandings."
"Marriage, as I view it from a Biblical perspective, is an institution between a man and a woman created by God."
Which is NOT to say that "marriages" can not exist in OTHER PERSPECTIVES"!!! THEY CAN and DO EXIST!!!
"Such an institution can exist without the issuance of a marriage license in the spiritual bond that marriage creates between husband, wife and God."
"Many times the marriages for which licenses are granted are executed before a magistrate or other nonreligious officiate and for couples who do not even acknowledge the existence of God."
"I support a union certificate that will extend to any couple the same rights, privileges, and legal obligations made possible through what we now recognize as a marriage license. Whether such union shall become an institution of marriage will be left to the couple... "
"I’ll further add, any union of a couple in one State should be recognized as a union by all States, thus removing any obstacle such union may create in the movement of couples between States and to comply with Article IV, Section 1, of the U.S. Constitution."
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